Thursday, 16 October 2014



Dear Africa they colonized you thinking you'll never recover, they tortured you, humiliated you, brainwashed you, abused and exploited you. They thought It was all all over for you, they thought you were done and dusted, they thought that there's nothing more you could ever offer, they left you heartbroken, they left you broke, they left you in shambles and left you devastated.They left you in debt which they created and you had to simply work hard to pay it off. They thought it was the end and game over for you but little did they know that it was the beginning of something great, something spectacular and something more meaningful. Ebola has come back thinking it will stop us from achieving our goals, it's already killed many of our brothers and sisters and has brought much pain and suffering, its come at a point where we were starting to find our feet and move towards change but it shall not win.

AFRICA RISE, this is your time to shine and be a global super power, this is your time to lead the world and be the brightest continent ever. This is the time to be the real owners of Africa and take back what rightfully belongs to us. There's this song I like and it says, "Sometimes it feels like heaven and sometimes it feels like hell", so I urge you to keep on moving Africa. The road to Africa rising will be a tough and bumpy one but we got to remain focused and always put Africa first with everything we do. When you feel like its the end, when you feel like its all over, AFRICA RISE. When you're perceived as the "hungry continent" or the "dark continent", AFRICA RISE. When you feel you cannot make it, when you seem down with no one to hold, AFRICA RISE. When everyone all of sudden acts like your friend just to exploit you AGAIN, AFRICA RISE.

AFRICA RISE because if you don't no one will, if you don't raise your voice enough the rest of the world won't hear you, if you don't do it for yourself the rest of the world will never take you seriously, so AFRICA RISE!

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