Friday, 24 April 2015


I DREAM OF AN AFRICA...............
(Written by Modibe Modiba)

I dream of an Africa which firstly understands that it is blessed with an abundance of natural resource, and how those resources can be used to the advantage of FIRSTLY the African people.
I dream of an Africa which takes pride in the education of its youth as well as that of its own culture and heritage and which embraces its own diversity.
I dream of an Africa which is free from all sorts of economic exploitation of its land, resources and of its people, an Africa which is slowly shaping itself into a global superpower.

I dream of an Africa which is united from all corners of the continent, from Gugulethu to Cairo and an Africa which is free from all sorts of terrorism and oppression.
I dream of an Africa where our leaders lead from the front by example, and an African leadership which is free from any form of corruption and wrongdoing at the expense of its own people.
I dream of an Africa where it's leadership does not merely create followers but creates fellow young leaders as well.

I dream of an Africa where one day a child of a mine worker can one day be a CEO at the very same mine, an Africa where a child of a domestic worker on campus can one day graduate from the very same university and go on to empower fellow African children.
I dream of an Africa where its potential is being fulfilled by its young population, an Africa which is transparent and an Africa which holds its mothers and sisters in its highest regards.
I dream of an Africa where a fellow gay African can walk freely in the streets of Africa without being harassed, discriminated or killed, as well as an Africa where my albino brothers and sisters can also walk freely without being victims of sick crimes.

I dream of an Africa where governments across the continent show their seriousness in terms of  empowering our African sisters and not merely subjecting them to households.
I dream of an Africa where building quality infrastructure is a norm and where the doors of higher learning education are opened to the poor of thee poorest student.
I dream of an Africa where the rule of law becomes the order of the day and an Africa where nobody dares to see themselves as being above the law.

I dream of an Africa which STOPS DREAMING and STARTS ACTING !!!

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