Revolting and being violent is necessary at times.
(Written by Modibe Modiba)
In a continent where many African leaders treat the states resources as if they are a family business, in a continent where some African leaders often amaze more wealth than the country itself, where leaders hold on to power as if it was created by them, revolt and violence is necessary. When most of our leaders take the law into their own hands, ignore the constitution, destroy civil society and when those who show nothing but great loyalty are rewarded with tenders and top positions at the expense of the people, revolt and violence is needed.
Being Diplomatic at times will not help the African people solve their problems, after all, our people didn't gain their freedom by being diplomatic, but taking to the streets, being disobedient and revolting, which is the only language African leaders will understand. It has become very evident, that some of our own African leaders who are so loud when it comes to colonization, have indeed become black colonialists themselves. They've absolutely lost touch with the people they're supposed to be representing, and have left the people frustrated.
We have leaders who now see themselves superior over the people, leaders who account up rather then down to those who vote them into office, leaders who've done very little to better the lives of their people and change their societies, instead they've bettered their own pockets, the pockets of those who stay loyal to them and by doing that, they've actually made the already leaking pockets of the people even more poorer. I wouldn't be surprised the day our own leaders who we unfortunately vote into office, start telling us that we should set an appointment to see them or that they are too busy to see their own people, mark my words, that day is coming soon at this rate.
Our leaders are so obsessed with power, that they think they own their countries, they've even started doing their corrupt dealings in broad daylight without even hiding anymore and having the decency to impose that they want a third term in office. Taking them to court and pleading with them won't work unfortunately, waiting for the next elections to deal with them won't effectively work as well, but we can learn valuable lessons from the people of Burundi, who revolted and took to the streets.
When they continue looting state resources, using state funds for their own personal gain, the people must revolt.
The same way soccer fans bombard a stadium after their team has won a trophy, the African people must bombard the streets, revolt and demand change at all costs. With the high levels of corruption going on, inequality, poverty and unemployment on the African continent, revolting is the only way forward, our people have begged for far too long.
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