Greetings to you all
After some time of thinking hard and coming up with ideas on what to write about as my first post on the blog and after much consideration I came to the conclusion that I should honour mama Epainette Mbeki better known as "MaMbeki" and wish her a speedy recovery. MaMbeki is the mother of former South African president Thabo Mbeki and Moeletsi Mbeki as well as the widow of political activist Govan Mbeki. It's because of her and many others who were brave and stood up against the murderous apartheid government, who fought, sacrificed and dedicated their lives and souls to the struggle so we can live in a free and fair society, it's because of people like her that we are now a democratic country. Although one might argue that mama and many others like her are still to be given all the praise and honour they deserve. I totally believe that more needs to be done to honour and celebrate mama and many others like her of which their lives make up important parts of our rich history as AFRICANS of which we will never forget. We should never forget what mama and her peers stood for, we should never forget our african tradition and the african way of doing things and we should never forget our morals as african boys and girls.
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