Thursday, 21 August 2014

African Youth STAND UP!

African youth STAND UP!

To my fellow African brothers and sisters the time has come, the time to stand up, lead and take action has come. We can't act as if we don't see what's happening in our beautiful God-given land. We have leaders of which some are only interested in their self upliftment , leaders which are so out of touch with their people and their needs and leaders which continue to sell out the continent . We have resources which we don't own and of which don't benefit the African majority at all, I mean Africa has the youngest population, so why should we (the youth ) continue to allow our old leaders to come up and implement policies which are going to affect us in the long run ? I mean in 20 years time they won't be there to account for all the problems they create today. The youth should wake up and lead by example and stop focusing on pity little things which are doing absolute nothing for our continent. If we the youth really want radical changes and Economic Freedom, we are the only people that can deliver that instead of depending on our leaders. Our elders achieved political freedom of which we thank them dearly for, but now is the time to achieve economic freedom. A wise person once said and I quote "as long as you have foreign people running your economy they'll always dictate your destiny" . It's time for the African youth to go against the status quo and lead this beautiful continent and at the same time lets create our own history. We've been spectators at the game for far too long and now we shall take part !


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