Thursday, 28 August 2014



Greetings to you all

After some time of thinking and analyzing,  I came to the conclusion that Africa is indeed a sleeping giant. Africa needs to wake up and unlock its full potential , it needs to stop feeling sorry for itself the whole time and take the lead as well as stop undermining itself. Africa is a continent not only rich in minerals and resources but gifted with great minds and potential. Question is, how do we unlock this potential? The first step would be for all African nations to be on the same page and do things with the sole intention of benefiting the African people and moving this beautiful continent forward . Africa has the potential to be a global superpower , to be at the the fore front of economic activity across the globe which firstly benefits the African people, to be a global player in world sports, to be at the forefront of research and technological innovations. Africa needs to stop playing second fiddle to other continents and stop being used by those who want to pursue a capitalist agenda in-order to exploit this beautiful continent, Africa needs to seriously adopt an Africa first approach to doing things. Which means the resources and minerals and any form of economic activity should benefit Africa first as well as investing heavily in the quality education of all African children. African leaders need to wake and smell the coffee and stop hiding behind colonialism the whole time, they need to start doing things differently for the benefit of Africa without ever losing their African heritage and they need to organize themselves and serve the people at all cost. Africa needs to stop being the victim of what I call economic bullying and stand up for itself, it needs to develop a thick skin and never succumb to the status quo and to at all times pursue an Africa first approach. In-order for Africa to achieve all that I've listed, the youth need to be ready to take the lead at all times and move our Africa forward!


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